A new month thus another con to go
to; fortunately, it is right here in the bay area. First off, I have never been
to Animation on Display before so I was entering this con having high hopes
that it was going to be exciting. It just sucks that I was able to only go on
Saturday due to my college actually having school on that President’s day
holiday. Although I may not have had the full experience of AOD, will that
affect my overall view of the con? Well let’s just see.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Ray Reports: Animation on Display 2013

I've been going to AoD since 2011, so I guess I'm one of the more "beginner" attendees here.
I looked forward to this con, more so than Sac-Anime, for a number of reasons. It's more local, which means less travel distance and more familiar folks. It's in Japantown, San Francisco, which is a very nice place for food and some shopping. Finally, I have fond memories of my first time here, mostly spending time with friends--small cons are "hangout cons" after all.
But it seems like I didn't really enjoy myself at AoD this year. There were some bad things that transpired, though my reasons for my lack of enjoyment are different.
(Caution: AoD is a FoodCon(TM), photos of good food will be in this con report. Do not open if you are feeling hungry. ;) )
Monday, February 18, 2013
Animation On Display 2013: Robbie's Review
I have to say, I was really looking forward to this year's Animation On Display. I had been facing two weeks of nonstop bad luck, from failures as a writer to a car crash, so I needed the escape, and I wanted to make this con the best possible. Unfortunately, the universe continued to conspire against me.
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