Thursday, July 30, 2009

Twitter Giveaway @ Sac-Anime?

I am currently debating with myself whether or not to do the Twitter Giveaway that I did at Fanime at Sac-Anime. I'll probably decide sometime next week.

Meanwhile, there's less than a month left until Sac-Anime at the Radisson hotel. Good luck to those who are making costumes!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Radisson Sold Out?

So I tried booking a couple of days ago with the promo code that's given for the Sac-Anime rate.
Nothing showed up.
So I call up their customer service and book through there. I find out that, before the July 31st deadline, they already sold out the Sac-Anime room rate.
Now, if you don't know, if you book with the Sac-Anime room rate you get a private autograph session and a limited-edition lithograph. But, their room rate is about $20 higher

I just booked on the Radisson website despite having it "sold out" a couple of days ago. If you need to book now, BOOK NOW.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Slow July Is Slow

Since I didn't go to Anime Expo this year, this marks a time during summer where I'm not doing anything con-wise. Month-wise, it's a busy month: the 4th and my birthday (and this year, I turn 21 this year!) fall during July, but either than that it's playing the waiting game for Sac-Anime in August at the Radisson.